Hackathon Moodscape App

moodscape home screen

Application built by a team of software engineers, a web designer, and data analysts

As my first journey into team-based development, most learning opportunities came from the collaborative experience with my team. We all brought different skill sets with unique perspectives on direction and design. As most were new to the hackathon format, I took a leadership role in the team, planning and managing the daily meetings, approving merge requests and sorting out merge conflicts as they arose.

// Leading and Crafting

Though I dealt with the merge requests for all engineers, I also made a point to build out a large portion of the front end code as well, having other engineers check and merge my work.

// Success through Teamwork

Data for the application was provided by our data analysts, giving a premise to improve sleep quality as a way to lower daily stress. Our recommendations were based upon their findings.

// Completion over Perfection

Due to the time constraints, we felt it best as a team to get a workable product finished and ready for presentation rather than worry about perfect features and cosmetic details.

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